
Pagination with page navigation, next and previous links.

Expend code


Expend code


Expend code


다음 속성을 사용하여 툴팁을 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다.

currentPagenumber-Sets the currently selected page number.
totalPagesnumber-Specifies the total number of pages.
showingPagesnumber-Determines the number of page numbers to display at once.
onPageChange(page: number) => void-Callback function called when the page number is changed.
currentPageStylestringborder border-border rounded-lgDefines the style for the currently selected page.
startIconReact.ReactNode<ChevronsLeft size={20} />Specifies the icon used for the button that moves to the first page.
prevIconReact.ReactNode<ChevronLeft size={20} /> PreviousSpecifies the icon used for the button that moves to the previous page.
nextIconReact.ReactNodeNext <ChevronRight size={20} />Specifies the icon used for the button that moves to the next page.
lastIconReact.ReactNode<ChevronsRight size={20} />Specifies the icon used for the button that moves to the last page.